Danny’s Upholstery Offers Tips for How to Avoid Holiday Stress

Tips for How to Avoid Holiday Stress and Burnout

Five Simple and Quick Steps to Organize and Enjoy the Season


The Holiday Season can bring a tremendous amount of joy. But all of the preparations and activities also have the potential to bring anxiety and tension.

Throughout the month of December, the hints of the holidays are everywhere. Magazines, displays, catalogs, decorations, advertisements, and books all offer endless tips for the most perfect, peaceful, joyous holiday ever. The pressure to create the ideal holiday can be incredible, often leading to anxiety, stress and eventual burnout. But taking a few bold steps can make a significant difference in truly enjoying a meaningful season.

Danny’s Upholstery Tip #1: Decide What is Truly Important

No one can do everything during the holidays. There will always be one more cookie recipe to try, one more room to decorate, one more gift to buy, and one more event to attend. To avoid burnout, make a list of what is truly important and stick to it. List everything that normally happens during the season as well as the important things that never seem to happen because they get crowded out. Then cross off every activity, event or commitment that is truly not important. Be ruthless about what is valuable and get some input from your immediate family members.

Danny’s Upholstery Tip #2: Know Your Optimal Mode of Operation

One key to avoiding burnout is deciding if you are an early or late holiday person. In other words, is it less stressful to get everything done early or does starting too early cause you to continue at a frenzied pitch until midnight the night before because you can’t stop? Determine if you should shop early or wait, if you should bake ahead or wait until the week of, etc. Know what works best for you.

Danny’s Upholstery Tip #3: Write Everything Down in One Place

Trying to mentally juggle dozens of details is a sure-fire recipe for major stress. Write everything holiday-related in a notebook. Make lists for cards, foods, menus, gifts, parties, etc. If you have a brilliant idea, write it down immediately. If you find a recipe you want to try, make a photocopy and tape it in the notebook. Keep everything written down in one place.

Danny’s Upholstery Tip #4: Avoid People Who Ruin the Holiday

One of the biggest sources of stress during the holidays can be other people. If there are people who consistently ruin the holidays, don’t spend time with them. Yes, it may create friction with other people who will not agree with that choice. But if spending time with certain family members, friends, neighbors or coworkers literally ruins the holiday, find a way to get out of it if at all possible.

Danny’s Upholstery Tip #5: Less is More

Accept your limitations. Make peace with the fact that you cannot do everything and be everything to everyone. Do less and enjoy it more. Rather than attending two parties a week for five weeks, attend one party a week. Or attend a party every other week. Focus on truly enjoying the moment when you are there rather than worrying about the next thing you have to do as soon as you can reasonably get away.

The holiday season can be one of tremendous meaning and celebration. By focusing on those aspects that truly bring joy and peace, it is possible to avoid the stress and burnout so often associated with the season.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HDae2JbEzA Upholstery for the Home, Office, or Business

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7s5F_1xE9M Upholstery for the Auto, Boat, Motorcycle, Marine

Stop by and see why Danny’s Upholstery is Your One Stop Upholstery Shop!

Happy Holidays from Our Family to Yours!

Danny’s Upholstery is located in Virginia Beach and is Your One Stop Upholstery Shop for your auto, home, office, marine and business. Owned and operated by master craftsman, Danny White, who has over 30 years experience meeting the upholstery needs for the Hampton Roads community.

Danny’s Upholstery

Your One Stop Upholstery Shop

New Location January 1, 2011

4904 Rutherford Rd. Ste. 103

Virginia Beach, VA 23455



About Danny's Upholstery

Danny's Upholstery is located in Virginia Beach and is Your One Stop Upholstery Shop for your auto, home, office, marine and business. Owned and operated by master craftsman, Danny White, who has over 30 years experience meeting the upholstery needs for the Hampton Roads community.
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